Brand New Year Same Old Story

approximately over a week ago, all Muslims entered the new year of 1430 Hijrah from our lunar calendar and in the next few days, all people in the world will celebrate the coming of 2010 AD year from our solar calendar... and perhaps this post will be my last post for the year 2009... from the solar calendar, we are about to enter the 11th year in the new millennium and what a decade it has been for all of us... the last ten years maybe one of the most turbulent decades we have seen... it started with the Y2K phenomenon which was not as destructive as it was predicted... then a year later, we were shocked by the utmost incident that much caused the huge change all over the world and redefined paranoia to the next level... the terrorist attack on the WTC New York in 2001... since then the world is not the same where Islam has been prejudiced and blamed and being accused as a religion that promotes violence... Muslims who live in Europe. America or any non-Muslim countries are threatened and treated with no respect... hate crime is on the rise and to me this is the new form of Holocaust only that it abuses the mental and psychology of the Muslim people and not genocide as what happened to the Jews during the Third Reich... then there was a tragedy that really touched the heart of all mankind, a tragedy so disastrous that it still leaves a huge scar until today for the victims and no one wants to remember it... the tsunami of 2004 that claimed 300, 000 lives and instantly in seconds destroyed the land of Acheh... a year later, the arrogant America came to Iraq and invade the country in the name of justice or whatever they presumed claiming that the Iraqis were developing nuclear weapons and they were a threat to the world peace and they came as the world police and dethroned Saddam Hussein but in the end they havent found any solid or concrete evidence that proves Iraq were developing such weapons... until now, the Iraq nation is still in unrest and chaos is everywhere and there are no signs of stability for the next few years for the Iraqis... the conflicts in the Holy Land in the Middle East is yet to find a solution and i expect that they wont find any in the near future... as for Malaysia, the past ten years, nothing much has changed only that the political situations are the one that get the most highlights these days and im kinda sick of Malaysian politics...

Sweat Against Machine

i have seen a movie called surrogates few days ago... this movie is about how machines or robots taking over our daily routines and act as us as humans... all we have to do is to lie down on a chair and connect ourselves to our own personalized robots and let them go out to the streets, go to work, buy groceries for us without us having to leave our own house our own chair... easy to say that they are us out there taking care of things in our shoes... well.there are certainly some benefits from it... for example, we are invincible out there, because when accidents happen, our surrogates are the ones who receive the damage without effecting us, the host... secondly, we can be young forever in the forms of surrogate... we can create the face and body that is young and never age out there... so people out there basically know us from the young faces that we presented to others...

Standing On A Ledge

hurm... today we will discuss on the hot topic that is quite creepy and a mystery... i guess most of you has seen the 2012 movie on the theater right? so i want to know what are your opinions on the selected matter... as we know tomorrow is 21st december 2009... means that we have exactly 3 years left to find out the truth... is it true that on the 21st december of 2012 will be the end of days for our existence? is the apocalypse really coming? if i can choose whether to believe or not, i choose not to believe that the world will come to an end on that day... the simple answer provided comes in our faith of Islam... i truly believe that Allah is the only one who knows when the world will come to an end and only under His command and power that we will be destroyed whenever He wants... it does not necessarily on the 21st of december 2012... it can be next month or next year or maybe 100 years more... it is all in His power and will... kun fayakun...

Leaping Forward

yess!! our malaysian football team did it... after a 20 year-long disappointment and a series of upsets, we finally bring back the shining gold medal to our hall of fame... i can say that you guys made malaysians proud... congratulations... now the big question and doubt is, can you guys keep this up? can you guys get a consistent result like this for the next 5 years? and the bigger question is, can you guys try to break in and compete to be in the same league as the giants of asian continent such as japan, south korea and iran? if we look to our current level of performance, we are still far far away from touching the seats of asian aristocrats of football... but if we look back to our long line of history, we should be surprised why is that up until now we havent be able to stand as tall sit as low with these giants... we used to beat these japanese or koreans team to pulp... but now, we are the minnows and a piece of chocolate cake to them...

Follow My Rainbow

i want to remind myself actually that whatever opportunities that may come to my front door, always remember who i am and do not forget my roots... i use to think that there is only one same set of roots to our tree of life just like the trees that grow and landscaping our lands... i sometimes get blurry what is it meant by our root... what actually defines the root... our parent's words of wisdom? or our cultural identity? or both? or it is just simply stick to our good principles that we usually develop in our own conscience stage by stage year by year... i dont have the answer yet... but the older i get i realize that these roots can change... depends on how we wills it or want it... i think the need to change always comes on the precipice of major crisis or after it... when we are standing on the ledge and knows that how a change that we perform might save us from the trouble...

Six Degrees Of Separation

people use to say what a small world... i think it is not the world that is getting smaller but the distance between us human that is getting closer and closer... dont you agree? people are connected in so many ways that we ourselves never expect it... a person who lives in China is closer to the President of the United States, Barack Obama than the President's own adviser who works in White House just as Mr President does because his step brother lives there... and i have a friend, a Sarawakian whose her boyfriend's elder brother married to her first cousin and they did not know it until they met recently... and her boyfriend and his elder brother are Selangorians... separated by hundreds of miles but actually connected that close all along... what are the odds...

Pandora's Box

wuhuu~~... what a big stormy commotion last week... our mr nice guy who always seems to be such a nice and an exemplary role model to young people is not so nice and a role model after all... Tiger Woods just showed us how to perform infidelity act at the highest level... 13 women in 6 years behind his wife and kids? that was hell of an achievement... only in the other side of good purpose... cheating on his wife is one thing... but to have sex with other than his own wife on the night his father died is maybe perhaps a little bit out of line dont you think? beneath his excellent talent in golf that took him in the pole position as 'God' in the world of golf, he showed that he has other talent too... and beneath his good track record, good personalities, and whatever good things about him, lies a Pandora's box buried deep down his mr nice guy image waiting to be unleashed and what a way it has been unleashed.

One Step Closer

huhuh... i managed to get my butt out from the ever exhausting full of tasks of semester 3... now i can finally enter my final semester without having to turn back figuring what i have done wrong... i have passed all my papers.even though this time i got it without flying colors but i am grateful that my result is still on my range of pointers... yesterday was a sad day for few of my friends as they did not get the results that they desired... there is nothing much that i can do to console them except hoping that they can get up and dont give up and try harder this semester... well.last semester was a tough one with so many assignments that pretty much challenging and time consuming... well.that chapter has passed and a new challenge is coming up which i expect to be the toughest one... up and ready for the new challenge and i expect no less than what i have experienced last semester...

Fountain Of Youth

everybody wants to stay young and never age... because youth is the prime days of our lives.. the golden era in our very short yet very challenging lives... but it is just another phase that everybody will go through once in their lifetime and it will never comes twice... we just can only wish that we can stay young longer but it will not happen even we try to buy it with all the money in the world...

French Toast

last two nights the final draw of 2010 World Cup in South Africa was held... and i can say that the draw is quite balance in all groups except Group G where the it is called the Group of Death at the next year's edition where the group contains 5 times champion Brazil led by Kaka, as well as the world's most expensive player Cristiano Ronaldo's Portugal and the likes of Didier Drogba in the finest African team Ivory Coast and not to forget the minnows North Korea representing Asia who can be thorn in the bush for any these big guns in the group... it will be interesting to see who will get to the next round from this group... other favorites such as England, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Netherlands and Germany get to be in the easier draws...

Ka-Ching Is Everything

hey hey some time and space to ink few words for my blog today after a full stressing week..really8 exhausted. with some problems occurred on my thesis which gave me immense headache and butterflies.huhu... and in the mean time i done some part time job too... not to increase my spending power but to increase my chance of survival instead.hahaha... my wallet now feels very light and thin. feels like i dont carry one at all... pity me.boohoo... well.i like to spend..who doesnt? it takes me careful planning on how i want to spend my money here where everything is quite expensive and the living cost is high... for a student like myself who depends largely on study loans and MBF (Mak Bapak Finance), keeping enough money to endure life here is such a pain in the a**... because sometimes unexpected events keep barging in and requires me to spend somehow... arrghh!! there goes my money again...

Before You Close Your Eyes

hi mum and dad... i wrote this blog but i think they will never see it anyway because they dont surf.hahaha... right now we are separated by eyes and im not coming back until as early as April next year because im going to finish what you guys want me to do here.studying... im a man with some ego... i love my parent but i didnt show it... i always made them worry and sometimes disobedient... im sorry mum im sorry dad... i did mention to few friends what my mum wanted me to be when i was little... she wanted me to be an USTAZ!! i repeat USTAZ!! its a noble dream for her to have at least 1 children of hers be in that profession... but all of my brothers and sisters including myself went in different ways and i think that dream of hers already faded away in these years...

A Place That I Call Home

at last i get to pave my way to write some thoughts in this blog...fuhh!! it is quite hell of a time since i JENGUK2 my blog.. not to say that im busy but id rather say that i feel reluctant on much of my life's occasion and i simply let things and time pass by just like that without fulfilling it with something useful.. well im stuck here in shah alam while all my other friends are already back having their frizzy dizzy hols at their hometown.. so right now i feel the density of solitary around me.. much trapped in oblivion and in exile.. nothing much to do in this condition.. just me and four sides of brick wall a ceiling and a floor... prison with no bars... but i feel that sometimes only and not all the time... i dont like loneliness but somehow i enjoy being lonely sometimes.. because i will have more time for myself reflecting and wandering the aspects of my life and i dont have to care for other people's feelings.. and the benefit of being lonely is when you are too bored, you will have more initiative to do something useful... well of course it depends on the type of that person but it works for me there... there are more useful things that i managed to do when im alone compared to the times when im surrounded by my friends... its not like i dont like being around my buddies.. i love hanging out and having fun with them and i need them in my life to lighten me up in my days but it is normal that at some point you need a time on your own for your own stuffs, right?

but this time this condition, it is not my wish to stick around at shah alam... i need to complete my mandatory task in the forms of research paper that i must make sure it is done flawlessly so i can get out of this student life soon and start a new phase in my life which is career phase which i cant wait to experience it... ok.enough on my pathetic story.. lets go to the main issue... people always have the feeling of homesick when they are far away from their family... i have quite a number of friends who is diagnosed with this syndrome... in my case im surprisingly doesnt feel it too much and i cant explain why i dont feel that way... what defines home for everybody? some say, a home is where all family members are together where you can meet them... some say a place where they were born and live their life clocks... and some say home is a familiar place with familiar faces or foods where they are comfortable with... all of the above are true... i can say that kind of home is called a biological home because you are born there and your family are there and everyone else speaks the same language... but there are always another place that we can call home... and i think that if we are happy to live in one place where we feel very comfortable and can satisfy our basic and specific needs, i also call that place a home... and i think that can be called a psychological home... sometimes psychological home is better because it is more self-fulfilling and the tendency of not having to feel frustrated is higher... if the biological home can be also the psychological home, then it is better... some people think that biological home is not enough for satisfying their needs... yes they may have their family and friends around but there are some needs inside us that purging out and want us to go elsewhere where that need can be satisfied... a biological home is something that we dont have to find... it is a gift for us from the beginning... while a psychological home is something that we must find on our own and from the experience of many, it is not easy... many has given up and quit in search of a new place that can fulfill their needs and dreams, a place they can call home because of the difficulties of having to adapt to totally new place new culture and away from all those familiar faces from home although we know that that place can fulfill and satisfy our needs... so from up there, we can conclude that a biological home is a home for us from our days of sucking our thumbs until we done studying and we have to listen to our parents and getting our degrees and the search for psychological home starts afterwards where we realize that we need a life of our own and to live it our way..

my dear friends, have you find your "home"? if you havent then we are together in this quest as i also in search for a place where i can call home for the rest of my life... so good luck to all of you and myself.. either we prevail or down from a sucker punch one day, only time and we ourselves knows...

Pulling The Strings

a beautiful song can keep me whistle endlessly and fly me away from the real world. a beautiful song can elevate my mood and forget the sorrow i am in. that is the power and the influence of a song. songs are sometimes composed in memoir of someone or a scenes of life. songs also sometimes are used as a propaganda preaching and promoting peace or either violence. even the anthem of our country is to lift the spirit of patriotism among us.

Where Words And Actions Collide

hola there
it has been quite some time since i last dropped my drops of thought here. i got my hands full lately. a pile of work that needs my fullest attention to get it settled quickly. along the way, i have promised a few that i know i couldn't keep. promises to myself and also promises to others. of course i did try my best to fulfill all my promises but at some point, im still limited by my own capabilities. i guess there goes the familiar term 'easier said than done'. it does ring a bell. does it?

As Time Goes By

hello and a very good late night to pretty sure that everyone is in their wildest dreams right now. at times like this i love to ponder about things that happened to me in that particular day and reflecting myself whether i have made a wrong choice or i just made a right one.

The First Straw

we have been taught by our parent and our teachers to start everything with Bismillah...


assalamualaikum and hello to everyone. i wish that everyone else is in the pinkest condition of health.. hurm.where do i start..well.firstly, blog-writing is a new thing to me. most of the time id just rather sit and lay back and let my memories pass by and gone from my little brain.