The First Straw

we have been taught by our parent and our teachers to start everything with Bismillah...


assalamualaikum and hello to everyone. i wish that everyone else is in the pinkest condition of health.. hurm.where do i start..well.firstly, blog-writing is a new thing to me. most of the time id just rather sit and lay back and let my memories pass by and gone from my little brain.

i categorized myself as a 'keep it to myself person' and doesn't like to open up to others too much. however, with the news all over the world reporting about the rage of our mother earth claims the lives of people at every levels of age and how it happens more frequently these days, it shows that how death will invite us at any time regardless of who we are and how we live our lives. and it just occurs to me that this life is too short for us to leave our life's most important moments or even our smallest detail behind and not sharing it with others. so here are my stories and this blog will be the archive of my life threads.

so this will be the introduction from the life vault of Faizulyazan Sharkawi and im going to ink my next story soon..see you

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