Where Words And Actions Collide

hola there
it has been quite some time since i last dropped my drops of thought here. i got my hands full lately. a pile of work that needs my fullest attention to get it settled quickly. along the way, i have promised a few that i know i couldn't keep. promises to myself and also promises to others. of course i did try my best to fulfill all my promises but at some point, im still limited by my own capabilities. i guess there goes the familiar term 'easier said than done'. it does ring a bell. does it?

we love to say something nice and visionary that does not necessarily portrays the truth. it becomes quite a habit for us humans because when we are in a conversation, we want to impress others even whatever things that we spit out from our mouth are full with crap. in other and simpler words, a misrepresentation.

some people say that 'words are sharper than the edge of a sword'. this statement is mostly true. because of words, a reputation of a public figure can be crushed. because of words, relationship ties between countries can be severed as what happened currently between us Malaysia and Indonesia. and because of words, even just a word, a heart can be broken. in contrast, words also can bring peace and goodness. a simple compliment from others can brighten up our day. that's how powerful words can be and play a major influence in our lives. it's kinda easy to believe in whatever people say and promise to us and vice versa. without any proof or assurance or whatsoever, our brain just perceived it and accepted it blindly.

but there is a saying that contradicts the above statement which is, 'action speaks louder than words'. i believe in this one because i think that this is where we can measure how true a person is. by his/her actions. in the beginning we may believe in everything that a person says. but the longer he/she speaks, the audience will demand for proofs. words become stale and sooner or later, the audience will find that the preacher is nothing but a bluff. a person's success is not measured by his/her words but rather his/her achievements. a good leader may has a strong, motivating, mindblowing and fierce words but in the end, we tend to look up to a a leader who knows how to translate his/her visions into reality. our body also can lie just like our mouth. but i guess that our body is quite a lousy actor compares to our mouth. it is easier to lie with words compares to our actions. am i right? just like i said in the first paragraph, 'it is easier said than done'.

i cant blame people or myself for believing in words because words are so fascinating that it really sounds like the truth. plus it is a quicker form of assurance to the ear of the beholder. meanwhile actions take time and we sometimes do not like to wait because we humans are born with 1 negative characteristic. we are impatient.

so which 1 are we? are we the kind of person who 'speak more do less' or 'speak less do more'? 'speak more do more' is a bonus but sometimes we cannot say too many things out right? i personally do not like the first one because they are dangerous, deceitful people and a bluff and i know several people in this category. but i agree that a person can not be too quiet in order to gain success. so speak moderately. a successful person is a person who knows exactly what to speak and when to speak up his/her mind and align his/her speech with his/her actions. only you yourself knows which category are you in.

okay. that's it for today. have a nice sunday guys.

1 Response to Where Words And Actions Collide

  1. Azid says:

    Kau nang seorang yang melankolik. But am intrigued with your thoughts. Keep it up pok!

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