As Time Goes By

hello and a very good late night to pretty sure that everyone is in their wildest dreams right now. at times like this i love to ponder about things that happened to me in that particular day and reflecting myself whether i have made a wrong choice or i just made a right one.

so i want to talk about choices. we humans always complaining about why we often find ourselves in a situation where we need to make tough decisions from a set of choices. surely we do not know whether the outcomes will be in our favor. some people don't want to have to choose because they are afraid that the choices they make might become a colossal mistake to them but some people loves playing with risks and prepares for whatever outcomes that results from the choices.

but do we realize that actually we are constantly making decisions at every single second in our lives? it means that if we have 24 hours in a day and let say we humans sleep for 8 hours from the total 24 hours and then we factor the remaining 16 hours with 3600, we will get 57600 seconds in our conscience hours daily and every single second from it we spend it on making decisions.

you don't believe me? our first decision in a day comes as early as when we woke up from our beautiful dreams. we were given the choices whether we want to wake up or continue sleeping. of course all of us have been in that situation before and these choice-making situations will continue to pop up continuously until we get back to bed 16 hours later. from the simplest act from whether you want to have a hot or cold shower, you want to eat nasi lemak or roti canai for breakfast or skip it to lunch to the hardest act like should you buy a BMW or a Porsche or buy both or a life-changing situation such as does it worth it to snatch a purse for instant income and get caught or try to find a decent job there is for a living.

so can i say that our whole life is all about making choices? yes. im pretty damn sure about it. so choose wisely my friends because we will never know how it turns to us. make sure its worth your time choosing. time is something too precious that we cant turn it back at any cost. if you make a wrong one, dont let it push you down. make it as a reminder and a lesson for you in your next decision. just as long as you dont make a choice that you would regret for the rest of your life.

sleep tight my fellas. now its my turn to choose to sleep.haha...ok. see you later on the next post. good night.

1 Response to As Time Goes By

  1. nininunu says:

    Dude. I have always stood by this principle. In God I Trust, In Life I Gamble My Chances. Every choice we make is a gamble. Of course I don't gamble blindly - there's still some thinking process before I proceed. Outcome can be good or bad. If it's bad - like you said, take it as a lesson. I miss having deep talks like these!

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