Six Degrees Of Separation

people use to say what a small world... i think it is not the world that is getting smaller but the distance between us human that is getting closer and closer... dont you agree? people are connected in so many ways that we ourselves never expect it... a person who lives in China is closer to the President of the United States, Barack Obama than the President's own adviser who works in White House just as Mr President does because his step brother lives there... and i have a friend, a Sarawakian whose her boyfriend's elder brother married to her first cousin and they did not know it until they met recently... and her boyfriend and his elder brother are Selangorians... separated by hundreds of miles but actually connected that close all along... what are the odds...

the theory works like this... if you put all the direct connections of people that you know just one step away from you, and then ask your connections to put all their connections one step away from them and repeat this, actually you are just six steps away from all the people in this Earth... amazing right? i dont know how accurate this theory is but there are firm truth about it... have you ever met a person and then you and that person are friends for almost 10 years... you know that person very well but when one event of truth appears, that person is actually related to you by blood. a relative for example... so actually you did not know that person well enough... it does not necessarily you but maybe you heard of this kind of incident from someone you know... some my friends also actually comes from the same family but their generations in the family are different... i'll use aliases... there are 3 friends... Lapic Kwai and Nabil and we are all the same age... Lapic is sort of an uncle to Kwai... meaning that he is just cousins to Kwai's father... and Nabil is the uncle to Lapic... so what should Kwai addresses Nabil? grand uncle? my housemate use to have actor-actress-model friends... so im not that far from the faces that always appear on the TV...

perhaps i have blood ties with Sultans of Bahrain or something... or Johnny Depp or whoever that you would never think of... well.that maybe a little bit imaginary but who knows right? now we have all these virtual society such as facebook, twitter and all and sometimes you will find it peculiar to see that your one list of friends are connected to your other set of friends... well. there you go... so actually eventhough we are different in beliefs, skin color and race and so far away in different continents and we never cross shoulders and share dining table with them, we are brothers and sisters... we all share the same ancestors... we all come from Adam and Hawa... so why should we fight among ourselves for something that does not have any meaning at all... why should there be hate among people from the West and the East, among Muslims and Christians... yes there are some minorities who do not share the human value like others but why should punish the innocent ones just because they share the same belief as 'the fallen' one... why some people gets to be richer by getting other people poorer... jealousy and selfishness. two spiritual disease that plaguing mankind... they think that this is what survival means... but isnt it better and stronger when people lives together in harmony helping each other out? human tend to self-destruct and they seems succeeding in doing that... and our children will inherit this disease after we die and they will pass it down to their children and so on until the Judgment Day... i wish there is hope, a light at the end of the tunnel where everybody within the six steps can hold hands in circle, face each other and say, 'hello and peace upon you brother'

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