Sweat Against Machine

i have seen a movie called surrogates few days ago... this movie is about how machines or robots taking over our daily routines and act as us as humans... all we have to do is to lie down on a chair and connect ourselves to our own personalized robots and let them go out to the streets, go to work, buy groceries for us without us having to leave our own house our own chair... easy to say that they are us out there taking care of things in our shoes... well.there are certainly some benefits from it... for example, we are invincible out there, because when accidents happen, our surrogates are the ones who receive the damage without effecting us, the host... secondly, we can be young forever in the forms of surrogate... we can create the face and body that is young and never age out there... so people out there basically know us from the young faces that we presented to others...

will we let it happen to us in the future if we are given the choice? no no no... me personally would join the opposition side because i dont want to live my life in silicon skin, steel skeleton and wire veins while i myself can go out there and feel the satisfaction of being myself tasting success or failure... people who create alternate identity in the form of these surrogates are people who lost his will to live or ashamed of what God has given them... in short explanation, they are sore losers... these robots missing one key sense which the sense of touch sensation... these robots cant feel the heat of the sun for us... they cant feel the chill of coldness of weather for us... they cant feel the satisfaction and the adrenaline rush for us... they cant feel pain which some of people think that is a good attribute but i think when we feel pain, there is the point where we realize and appreciate how important it is and how valuable this life is to us... even these robots are created to connect 100% with all our senses i think it is not the same as you yourself being out there and feel it... meaning i guess, by giving these robots the authority to act for us, we lost our cause as humans in this world... it is one peculiar desire of mankind to not want to do anything by themselves and live by doing nothing and wishing that their everyday responsibilities will be done and taken care of without having to actually do it... laziness is such a disease that eating the determination and perseverance aspect of humanity...

it is not deniable that machines have been contributing so much help to us human in easing our daily activities and enables human to perform impossible tasks that is beyond normal human's capabilities especially in medicine and surgery where these machines are such a help to us and the doctors... but 1 thing that i noticed is that the existence of machines weakens us... ages ago walking in hundreds of miles is nothing to our ancestors both men and women but now who wants to walk even it is just for a kilometre? our researchers kicking their butts off to explore the full potential of human body and mind but we are getting weaker and weaker each day instead by the existence of these machines... to calculate things nowadays even for the easiest equations people will use the calculators... long time ago, great mathematician such as al-khawarizmi al-farabi and ibnu sina didnt need these calculators but still they invent most of the formulas that are used until today... in the art of war, human relies too much on these machines such as tanks, jets, submarines, guns, grenades and radar... if you asked me, i really enjoy the stories of ancient battles where people cross swords to swords face to face instead of shooting from far far away... soldiers hide themselves and kill people with a bullet or launching missiles across the continent to destroy their targets... where are the human's strength and virtues of a warrior? what i am trying to say is not that i love wars and like people killing each other and i understand that machines were built to reduce and minimize the human casualties but my point is war nowadays will be decided by whoever possesses the more sophisticated machines and weapons and not by the wisdom of the commander creating winning tactics and the courage of men on the battlefield facing their opponents face to face... commanders nowadays just sit in the command room giving orders and going home to their families at night while his soldiers fighting for their lives much much different from commanders back in the days where they lead the fight at the front lines and will be the first to charge the enemy and inspire his soldiers to glory and rather die with his soldiers than running away...

so there many more influence that these machine has over us... you guys can think of the consequences... im not saying that we dont need these machines at all... they are indeed a good help to us humans but dont let these machines take over totally or else we will lose everything that made us human, human... perhaps if we try and try to create more machines with far more advance intelligence, perhaps the scenes from the movie terminator will come to reality and these machine will turn their back against us and try to eliminate us...

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