Fountain Of Youth

everybody wants to stay young and never age... because youth is the prime days of our lives.. the golden era in our very short yet very challenging lives... but it is just another phase that everybody will go through once in their lifetime and it will never comes twice... we just can only wish that we can stay young longer but it will not happen even we try to buy it with all the money in the world...

when we are young, we just got away from our parent's shackles and that is when we feel like we are on top of the world... we can do anything we like... we have strong bodies and in good condition of health and feel nothing can stop us... actually this is where we reach the turning point of our lives, where we reach the crossroads... what we do in these age, will much shape who we are in the future... young people are vulnerable in mind... the curiosity and the temptation of life is sometimes unbearable and too great for any young people to resist... it is up to the youths to decide which path will they take because nowadays there are too many of our youths who waste their lives on something immoral and unlawful.. is true that we should live our live to the fullest when we still have the time and the energy but i guess the phrase merely means that while we are young , we should have the crave and appetite for success and enjoy our lives in healthy way so that when we finally step out from our youth, we can cast out our youth with our heads held high with lists of achievements that we can be proud of and have nothing to regret and nothing that we want to forget from our youth that we do not want to look back...

i miss my high school days... that was the best period of my life... perhaps because during that time i did not have to think much about the future and thought of any big responsibilities yet... in contrast with now where the older we get, the bigger the responsibilities that we have to bear... i wish can stay 16 always but caputt! it will never happen... but i am happy that i am getting older each day and learn new responsibilities and learn new things and solving problems... and i have some positive and negative thoughts about my youth... i am grateful that even so many temptations came to me, i still managed to stick to my roots and did not let myself to sink in darkness... but i am quite not happy that in my age and my prime of youth now, i still haven't achieve anything big in my life yet... i hope that in near future, i can finally breath the air of success... with Allah's willing...

all of us surely ever wonder what life would we live when we getting old one day... but we shouldn't picture it too much because we can never possibly know what future has to promise us because it will just hurts ourselves when it turns out to be something that we do not plan... another aspect that we should never forget when we talk about age is of course death... death is something that is absolute to all creature... we can never escape it neither postpone it... it will invite us anytime that Allah's wish even during the prime age of our youth... if i have a choice, i dont want to die more than the age of 70.. when im in bad shape with deteriorating health, i will just be a burden to everyone... but like i said if only i can choose right?... so my friends, do not waste your youth... do and achieve greatness as this is the time for us to shine and making names for ourselves... thus, this is the time for us to prepare ourselves for the future because we are the future leaders of our country... this youth is too short so make use of it fully in good manner... but have fear my friends, in the midst of youth, we must always remind ourselves that death is out there lurking for us... so make sure that in every action that we do and every celebration of life that we enjoy, do not forget to be grateful and always remember our Creator... because without Him, we will never experience youth in the first place...

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