Pandora's Box

wuhuu~~... what a big stormy commotion last week... our mr nice guy who always seems to be such a nice and an exemplary role model to young people is not so nice and a role model after all... Tiger Woods just showed us how to perform infidelity act at the highest level... 13 women in 6 years behind his wife and kids? that was hell of an achievement... only in the other side of good purpose... cheating on his wife is one thing... but to have sex with other than his own wife on the night his father died is maybe perhaps a little bit out of line dont you think? beneath his excellent talent in golf that took him in the pole position as 'God' in the world of golf, he showed that he has other talent too... and beneath his good track record, good personalities, and whatever good things about him, lies a Pandora's box buried deep down his mr nice guy image waiting to be unleashed and what a way it has been unleashed.

i realized that everyone has his/her own dark side in everybody's souls... mine not excluded but i think that is what will happen when
lust takes over and clouded our mind... we cannot blame ourselves for having lust over certain things because believe me or not, Allah gives us lust for a reason... to test us.. so the blame should be placed on the failure of the person to suppress his/her lust and keep it locked in the box... there are few types of lust of course and of course there are some that are good but usually the lust for forbidden things somehow has bigger temptation over us... and that is what we deal with in everyday lives... we did lose sometimes to these temptations... come on.even a man who carries the title pak imam nowadays commit the same crime as Tiger...

what is done is done and we have to take responsible for our actions... there is no way for us to undone it or take it back... im sure most of us have been in this kind of situation before... although not as big as Tiger's or bigger and gets a huge publicity out of it, but we sure has done something that we wish we would never done in the first place... something evil or immoral that cast a shadow on our life... some people will think that, that 'something' defines who you are and what you will encounter in the future but i refuse to believe it... we can undone the dark taint that covers us but maybe in the other form and other time and other circumstances... we cant justify the wrongs that we have done but give ourselves a chance to repent... we had our punishment already in the anguish that we felt from doing it... maybe we cant correct the things that we want to correct but we can correct our souls and give peace in us by doing the right act on other things... like people said, blessings come in disguise and it maybe in comes in different way than what we expect... so Tiger, you are no doubt an excellent man and person but you choose to play a dangerous game and you have to confront your own actions... be patient.maybe now your life turns up side down but perhaps it is a wake up call for you to figure out what you should see clearly in front of you...

well, the battle of good and evil has been going on for the entire existence of human race and there are no signs of this battle will slow down... the battle of which element that has total control our body between lust and mind will keep on going until we breathe the final air... so choose wisely what we want to perform and act... put our head above our heart and we might save ourselves from the shame that can fall upon us...

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