One Step Closer

huhuh... i managed to get my butt out from the ever exhausting full of tasks of semester 3... now i can finally enter my final semester without having to turn back figuring what i have done wrong... i have passed all my papers.even though this time i got it without flying colors but i am grateful that my result is still on my range of pointers... yesterday was a sad day for few of my friends as they did not get the results that they desired... there is nothing much that i can do to console them except hoping that they can get up and dont give up and try harder this semester... well.last semester was a tough one with so many assignments that pretty much challenging and time consuming... well.that chapter has passed and a new challenge is coming up which i expect to be the toughest one... up and ready for the new challenge and i expect no less than what i have experienced last semester...

i have been studying for so many years that i didnt remember how it all began... and i have dark histories regarding my studies that i want to wipe out from my memories... that is why i can say that i am falling quite behind from my other friends who are the same age as me... i fell asleep for so long which caused me losing so many precious time... alhamdulillah. Allah gave me a chance to wake up and realize what is important in my life and now i dont look back anymore... i want to be in the same league with my friends who all have their own career and catching up in the sense of achievements... i want to finish my studies so bad that i really looking forward to new semester and get over it... now im in the brink of leaving this phase of my life and i really look forward to see the end of the tunnel and discover my true potential out there in the career world... yes. i am a very ambitious man and i dont like to fall behind my colleagues... i am one step closer but yet i am still ten jumps behind the success that i want to achieve in my life... i hope i still have what it takes to finish this off once and for all and with Allah's willing, i can achieve my dreams one day... well.they say that success rises from the ashes of failure...

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