Ka-Ching Is Everything

hey hey hey....got some time and space to ink few words for my blog today after a full stressing week..really8 exhausted. with some problems occurred on my thesis which gave me immense headache and butterflies.huhu... and in the mean time i done some part time job too... not to increase my spending power but to increase my chance of survival instead.hahaha... my wallet now feels very light and thin. feels like i dont carry one at all... pity me.boohoo... well.i like to spend..who doesnt? it takes me careful planning on how i want to spend my money here where everything is quite expensive and the living cost is high... for a student like myself who depends largely on study loans and MBF (Mak Bapak Finance), keeping enough money to endure life here is such a pain in the a**... because sometimes unexpected events keep barging in and requires me to spend somehow... arrghh!! there goes my money again...

who says that money is everything and who says money is not everything.. put up your hands... it depends though and time plays a vast part in determining which statement is true... maybe quite some time ago during our parent's age in the 1940's or 1950's money is not everything and less important... but now from what i see and saw, during this time money is everything... and i guess perhaps it can buy happiness... this statement maybe arguable but this is what i see in our people now.. even the saying that says greedy people always lose is not relevant anymore... nowadays greedy people always gain the profits and benefits...

why i say that money can buy happiness? let see one situation... in a moderate family there's a wife a husband and the kids... yes they are happy living together but it is because of the good values... but every soul in us desires something materialistic... if a husband buys a new diamond ring for her wife wouldnt the wife will jump in joy? then comes the kids.. they want a PlayStation or XBox or handphones and they demand it from their father... and the guy wants a brand new car or a new house for their family's comfort... they will feel happy and joy when they got what they wanted... and what do they need to get all these items? money... some of us says the phrase money cant buy happiness is because they understand their situation and they just stuff their desires back deep inside their hearts... but every people knows that money is the answer for their happiness... nowadays, guys who want to marry a woman will have to prepare a bulk of cash in the bank a sweet ride and a nice comfy crib... the future in-law also requires us guys to prepare a huge dowry now... no less than RM 10 000... how money can turn the world around... maybe not all girls are in these type but i can say that 75 % of them are in this type... no money no talk right? because they want to feel secured in their future life... so that is why i dont blame women who are materialistic because everyone wants to feel secured in their life... so does the guy... dont you agree girls?

money can corrupt good people... money can turn families against each other... people would kill for money... people sell their soul and pride for money... that the influence of money over us.... people who has money means he/she has power... people bow to the money not the person... they could care less about the person who has the money as long as they can get benefits in the form of money from the people who has money.... so the only true statement until now is money is root to all evil...

but there are still hope... money cant buy all happiness and money cant buy all love and money cant buy all pride... so what is the difference in the above matter? the statement indicates that money is always important at the beginning... but towards the end and when things and our conscience become clearer, money is not that important at all... an old couple who has everything will realize that all the money they poured on their kids will not guarantee they will be there for them when they are old... they will feel lonely and empty. all their money is not suffice to get their children's love and affection.. a prostitute that have kids who sold their bodies will feel that they do not want their kids to grow from dirty money and in the end they will stop... we all will fall under the spell of money..yes.all of us.... but it will not always stays that way... only when people realize that they have fallen far and taste the evil of money, then they can think that all of their action so far has driven them away from the real value of humanity.... so choice will present themselves to you.. would you get up from your long sleep or keep dancing in your dreams.... the answer is for all of us to choose... some people does not have this conscience and God have mercy on them... and some manage to keep their values while dealing with the power of money and this kind of people is always the best type of human there is on earth but this kind of people are very few in this world... well.. what i would hope from all of us is that we will not lose who we are and our values when we encounter the taste of blings.. we always say that we will not be that kind of person but we do not know yet until we are in that situation right? until next time fellas... money oh money!

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