Before You Close Your Eyes

hi mum and dad... i wrote this blog but i think they will never see it anyway because they dont surf.hahaha... right now we are separated by eyes and im not coming back until as early as April next year because im going to finish what you guys want me to do here.studying... im a man with some ego... i love my parent but i didnt show it... i always made them worry and sometimes disobedient... im sorry mum im sorry dad... i did mention to few friends what my mum wanted me to be when i was little... she wanted me to be an USTAZ!! i repeat USTAZ!! its a noble dream for her to have at least 1 children of hers be in that profession... but all of my brothers and sisters including myself went in different ways and i think that dream of hers already faded away in these years...

they are already really old and struggling in keeping their health in check.. my siblings are there to look after them but still they are alone at home... i know they dont mind because they think there are no more things that excite them anymore at their age... at first when i had to leave them to continue my studies in shah alam, the first thing that made me feel so heavy-hearted to go was their condition when im gone... i always pray that you guys will still have more years to go because i have so many things that i would like to do for you guys... besides i am what i am because of you... you guys taught me how to be human and learn to be human in the right way... i am grateful to have a parent like you...

i am hoping that they get to see me graduated... hoping they get to see me get a job and help them with their monthly expenses... i want them to be proud with me... i want them to see me marry and the most i want them to see their grandchildren from me... there are lots of things that i am hoping i can repay you because all of your sacrifices are irreplaceable and priceless... so mum and dad.. please hang on for me longer and i want you guys to live for another 20 years if Allah wills it... because when the time comes when Allah invites you guys to be with Him, i want to be there beside you so you guys can see me beside you and knowing that you guys can leave this world without have to worry about me anymore... before you close your eyes... i love you mum, i love you dad...

4 Response to Before You Close Your Eyes

  1. Anonymous says:

    auuwwwww that is the sweetest thing i heard from u baby boo..;)

  2. awwwww juak.. i love my parents too!

  3. u dun have to knoe me says:

    ur muka mcm ustaz..

  4. PayjuL says:

    kah3...ada ka?muka je...pekerti xla mcm ustaz

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