Standing On A Ledge

hurm... today we will discuss on the hot topic that is quite creepy and a mystery... i guess most of you has seen the 2012 movie on the theater right? so i want to know what are your opinions on the selected matter... as we know tomorrow is 21st december 2009... means that we have exactly 3 years left to find out the truth... is it true that on the 21st december of 2012 will be the end of days for our existence? is the apocalypse really coming? if i can choose whether to believe or not, i choose not to believe that the world will come to an end on that day... the simple answer provided comes in our faith of Islam... i truly believe that Allah is the only one who knows when the world will come to an end and only under His command and power that we will be destroyed whenever He wants... it does not necessarily on the 21st of december 2012... it can be next month or next year or maybe 100 years more... it is all in His power and will... kun fayakun...

from the outside aspects from Islam there are some clues that strongly points to the date mentioned above... one of it was the calendar of the Mayans that was created thousands of years ago that is said to end on the 21 december 2012... some experts says that the calendar ends on that day because of for the Mayans, the day after 21st december 2012 will be considered a new chapter or a new set of years... because the Mayan people invented a sophisticated system of calendar that was based on the solstice movement of the sun... basically the date of 21st december every year is the beginning of the winter solstice... the Mayan people were ought to be known as experts in astrology... and these cycle of calendar will be renewed in i dont remember how many thousand years because i read it in an article recently... and the end of the current calendar happens to be on the 21st december 2012...

and there comes the prophecies of the famous french, Nostradamus... he lived in the 16th century... he published one of the most controversial book, 'les propheties' which assembles all his prophecies in the future ahead of his time... so recently, one of his works has been found and experts who interpreted his lost book learned that the content of the book is said to be gruesome because this book is different from his other books... this book predicts the sequence of incidents that led to the end of days... some experts that studied this book strongly believe that the end of days predicted by Nostradamus is to fall on the 21st december 2012... so the connection between the calendar of Maya and the prophecy of Nostradamus can be shown from the science point of view...

from the science point of view, in every 26000 years, our sun which orbits the centre of the galaxy like we who orbits the sun, will be in parallel alignment with the centre of the galaxy and causes the sun to react abnormally... there has been rumors from our scientists that when this happens, the sun will release a huge solar storm that will hit earth affecting our earth crust and also reversing the magnetic polar of our earth... this event falls accurately on the 21st december 2012... it is said that all satellites will fall down and all technologies will be paralyzed that time and our earth will be in chaos... hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, the eruption of supervolcanoes and series of tsunamis will happen all over the world that believed to be perhaps wiping out most of the living creatures on earth... we all seen it in the 2012 movie right? the scientists believe that on that day, the earth will be reshaping itself... they said that the effects are currently present and can be seen in the tragedies of earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis and typhoons that hit our earth so often these times much more than in the previous decades... so what are the odds that 3 different stories from 3 different times locked on the same day of 21st december 2012?

so going back to the Islam point of view, although in Islam we do not have any specific day on when the Judgment Day will come but i found some interesting facts that we can think together... in Al-Quran said that Allah create this world on Friday and will almost certainly destroyed in on Friday as well... most of our important day happens on friday and friday is said to be the special day over the other days of the week... so look back to the date 21st december 2012... what day is it? it is friday... the explanation from our scientists said that our magnetic polar will reverse on that day... we Muslims believe that the Apocalypse happens through stages... there are small signs and big signs... we all know that we are now deep in the small signs... and what is the first sign that indicates we are entering the big signs? it is when the sun rises from the west and not from the east as we usually see... i dont know exactly what does the reverse of magnetic polar means but as i know it, we all moving and rotating from east to west from this magnetic movement of the earth... so doesnt it mean that if the magnetic polar is to be reversed, we will be moving backwards from west to east? this is only my interpretation... the scientists know better than i am... and there is a sign that says during our big sign period, humans will go into war with old and ancient weapons like swords and bows and using horses... didnt i say above that during that time, all technologies will be useless? no modern weapons and transports can be made without technologies and computers... so what can we use? old style weapons right?

well... these are just what i think but i do not strongly believe that is what will happen on that day... i believe it wont be end of the world yet on that day but i think that our world and survival will enter a hostile period... so if Allah choose to stage the beginning of the big signs of the Judgment Day on that day, we can do nothing about it... it is already too late for us to repent because once the big signs comes, there are no more accepted 'taubat' and all our book of deeds will be closed and we will be left out until we meet our doom... so what a scary thing that can happen to us on that day... sometimes i cant wait to see what will happen on that day but when i think back of what have i have done how much sins that i have committed, i feel very afraid to face that day... because i do not want to go to the underworld with sins written all over my face without having a chance to repent and make it up with good deeds... how about you guys? do you think that your deeds are enough? i know that Allah can take our lives even before 21st december 2012 and we not live to meet that day so what can we do? we always thinking of stopping and be a good person and a good Muslim but we never actually do it... im sure this is a common problem to all of us... remember what our beloved Prophet Muhammad said...'beramal lah seperti kamu hendak mati pada hari esok'... so what should we do guys? we are such in dilemma... how can we stop?

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