Are We So Different?

yeah... my finger muscles are kind of heavy and stiff these days... caught up with too many distractions that disabling my ability to flex my fingers in writing blogs... i dont think i want to write miles of words and sentences like my previous posts today... because like i said my finger muscles are having its own mood today and they dont want to be forced to tap and tap on the keyboard more than what my fingers willing to type... enough for my gibberish talks and we move to my thought of the day...

this is just a simple question that i would like to ask to each soul of you and as well as mine... do we think that we are better than some other else? what makes we think that we are different from others? we say that some people behave like animals but so do we... we say that we are more clever than some other but we know little compared to some others as well... we say that we are noble and well-behaved but actually we are more evil and two-faced creature than some other... we say that we are prettier than some other but we are 'uglier' in some way compared to other... we say all good the things but did all the bad things... our right hand did all the charity but our left hand did all the infidelity... i think it doesnt matter whether we came from the most remote or from the most modern area of the country or either we are physically better or intelligently better or our skin are black, yellow or white or either we are living in tonnes of concrete and steel or living on a tree (like some people who interpreted where a Sarawakian like i am is living), just take a pause on whatever you are doing and start thinking what makes we are that different than others... because i think at the end, we all end up in the same confined space 7 feet under where all our money and all our intelligence and our pretty faces dont mean anything anymore except for our faith and good deeds... and we all going to stand in front of our Creator during the Judgment Day with no clothes on side by side waiting for our eternal destination... there is actually when we know where our differences are... dont you think?

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