Curtain Rises

yup... we are officially in the year of 2010 now... the old curtain falls and a new curtain rises... not much that i want to expect from this new year and as i mentioned from the last post, i dont believe in resolutions... and despite of too many plannings that i have planned since years ago, i dont want to put too much hope in it because i will end up frustrated if these plans are not accomplished... so i just try to work my way through each day... of course i always hope for the best things to come to me but i guess for now, i just have to make the best out of what i have... from the things that i have planned, there are always some that will not go out as planned... some things are meant to get worse and i cannot do anything about it... not that i want it to but sometimes, these things came uninvited and unintended...

perhaps i see my life or my future in one direction... i havent think of how my life would be if i try a different path... sometimes i envy people who know how to live their life to the fullest enjoying that exact moment... sometimes i want to be more like them but i know it is not possible to me... i think that what i did wrong was i foresee and worry too much of my future and didnt put much thoughts on how i want to enjoy my present days... that exact moment... i just concentrate on how i want to accomplish my goals for my future and along the way, i didnt care about what i have and possess right now... i guess it is not too late for me to get back and pick up the pieces where i left them... if it is still there... wish that the grass is greener on the other side...

fresh air of 2010, blow me away with great surprises okay?

1 Response to Curtain Rises

  1. fu says:

    we all have similar wishes for this new year. hoping it'll be a better one. more or less.

    however man, i wish this year will cast us all the blessings in the world could offer especially financial ones!

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