Try Honesty


arrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! my phone was stolen yesterday!!! while others like to keep 2 or 3 numbers in their possession, i just kept only one and it proves to be a fatal mistake as i lost everyone's contact number and it is very hard for me to recover all the numbers back... well.what had happened, happened and for cases such as phone theft, there is no way for me to ever get to see my phone back... i can say adios to my phone and i bid farewell to you hope you find a new interesting life out there... so right now im ready to accept the fact that my phone is gone but im not ready to let the so called 'clever' thief go away yet... this stinking worm and dirtbag is still out there laughing at me for being so careless with my phone which happened to be the only one time that i let my guard off the phone... this had never happened to me before where i leave my phone far away from me while im sleeping and the thief make the most of the opportunity out of it...

the question now is who took it? i am determined to seek the answer to that question... i really dont care about the phone anymore but i really8 want to know who took it so that i can do whatever is 'necessary'... i have analyzed and summarized the chronology of the case and the key points during the theft incident and i have concluded that my phone was stolen by my own friends... to be specific, the thief is one of my other housemates... i said that because from the evidence that i found, there was no way for outside intruders to have entered my house and his M.O's was quite strange... after i gathered some information and putting all the pieces together and connecting all the dots, this incident led me to one suspect but i just dont have any hard and concrete evidence that confirms my suspicion so i cant take any rash action... how i wish i have all these CIA FBI NSA KGB MI6 Scotland Yard Gestapo or Mossad skills of interrogating and cracking the shit out of this dirtbag... i just want to know how does it feels to steal another person's belongings especially your friends'... does he not bear any guilt on doing what he did? this treacherous dirtbag who call himself a friend of mine and faces me everyday with his smiling face leave me with nothing but disgust and i pity him for having to try hardly to keep his act in front of everyone else like he is innocent... if you really have some kind of financial problems, this is not the way for you to solve it by taking shortcuts... people nowadays simply cannot be trusted even these people used to be very close to us...

i just pray to Allah that this guy will finally go down, maybe he has done it before and never get caught, so i pray that this will be the day where he finally plums and smacked himself to the ground... AMIN!

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