Are We So Different?

yeah... my finger muscles are kind of heavy and stiff these days... caught up with too many distractions that disabling my ability to flex my fingers in writing blogs... i dont think i want to write miles of words and sentences like my previous posts today... because like i said my finger muscles are having its own mood today and they dont want to be forced to tap and tap on the keyboard more than what my fingers willing to type... enough for my gibberish talks and we move to my thought of the day...

Api Dalam Sekam

agak nya ini adalah post pertama aku menyuarakan pendapat yang bersarang dalam kepala otak aku dalam Bahasa Malaysia kerana apa yang akan disuarakan aku dalam post ini adalah mengenai situasi yang berlaku di dalam negara kita Malaysia sekarang ini... seminggu yang lalu masyarakat Malaysia dikejutkan dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur yang memutuskan bahawa penggunaan perkataan Allah dibenarkan untuk kegunaan penulisan artikel oleh Herald-Catholic Weekly... semalam pula kita dikejutkan dengan insiden cubaan membakar gereja-gereja di sekitar ibu negara... aku cukup malu... apakah negara kita ini sudah hilang orang-orang yang berilmu dan berfikiran waras?

Try Honesty

arrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! my phone was stolen yesterday!!! while others like to keep 2 or 3 numbers in their possession, i just kept only one and it proves to be a fatal mistake as i lost everyone's contact number and it is very hard for me to recover all the numbers back... well.what had happened, happened and for cases such as phone theft, there is no way for me to ever get to see my phone back... i can say adios to my phone and i bid farewell to you hope you find a new interesting life out there... so right now im ready to accept the fact that my phone is gone but im not ready to let the so called 'clever' thief go away yet... this stinking worm and dirtbag is still out there laughing at me for being so careless with my phone which happened to be the only one time that i let my guard off the phone... this had never happened to me before where i leave my phone far away from me while im sleeping and the thief make the most of the opportunity out of it...

Curtain Rises

yup... we are officially in the year of 2010 now... the old curtain falls and a new curtain rises... not much that i want to expect from this new year and as i mentioned from the last post, i dont believe in resolutions... and despite of too many plannings that i have planned since years ago, i dont want to put too much hope in it because i will end up frustrated if these plans are not accomplished... so i just try to work my way through each day... of course i always hope for the best things to come to me but i guess for now, i just have to make the best out of what i have... from the things that i have planned, there are always some that will not go out as planned... some things are meant to get worse and i cannot do anything about it... not that i want it to but sometimes, these things came uninvited and unintended...