Meatbag Prints

hey again... i just got back from the previous millennia so i have been in a primitive state for a while with no time to check on all the buzz and jots that have been going inside the blog... nuff' said... today i want to write something about one of my hobbies... well i guess some of you guys out there surely share this similarity with me... i like to observe human behavior (p/s i am not a stalker)... i find that humans are very interesting subjects to be observed as they possess the never ending possibilities which makes them a different print from each other... we may not always can predict what is going on inside one's brain but i guess we can know the personalities of a human just by analyzing his/her daily patterns because habits don't lie, do they?

one thing about human that i think everyone knows and aware but they just simply didn't give it too much thoughts is, we including myself sometimes like to do something that we don't like others to do it... can you dig what i meant? mm.i can say that this behavior can be seen as a subtopic in the selfish chapter... well.we are a selfish being at some point... in a simple example to clarify my case, we really hate people who comes late on an appointment and to be left waiting don't we? but yet we ourselves do make other people wait as well... a glimpse inside a relationship of a couple; the guy usually doesn't like his girl to stare at some hunky dude but he himself drools over some hot chicks behind his girl's back... the examples can go on and on along the thread and we will get tired of mentioning every of it... what is it in our blood that we can't be fair to others and to ourselves? for my part i'd love to think that when i'm doing something that i don't like others to do, i have this mindset that i'm doing it in different intention while others may have different intention from mine... i know it doesn't justify my actions but we always think that we have every right reasons to do it... that's just human... simply and dot...

there are no definite solutions to this common problem as this thing is already printed in our DNA and runs through our veins... all we have to do is try to practice the justice... humans have this famous 'we got to give and take' quote and so put it in our thoughts and actions... if we don't like others to do that particular thing, then we ourselves don't do it... if we still want to do it, then allow others to do it as well... we can't expect to control or puppetize others to our will... it's a form of tyranny... so that's all for a thought today... be safe and be fair everyone...

1 Response to Meatbag Prints

  1. tikah says:

    human behavior is always a contradiction, from the way i see it. ;)
    great blog btw, keep it up. :)

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