Patience Is The Key is hard to be case is not that i am a person with lots of anger management issue...nope and not even little...especially among not like that...but i have a tendency to be impatient with time...i don't really like to wait and let time do the magic for see, time is an uncertain variable...sometimes it swings your way. but sometimes it won't...a lot of people like to use time as an element in making their too! i think everybody does...time is always gonna be there as a decider in decision-making process...but to what extent that you really rely or depend on time in influencing your decision tells you where is the level of your patience...let say you walk in a mall, then you saw a really nice pair of shoes, and you are very particular about buying like it very much and you know that it is hard to find a pair of shoes that you really like...but the only thing is that, the price tag is out of your normal what you gonna do? you spend a little bit extra from your pocket just to get it and then face a really tight financial issues later on (you still can use the plastic card but then you still need to pay) or you want to wait until there is a sale...but here is another catch...when you wait, you dont know when is the mega sale gonna happen, and let say there is a sale finally, do they still have the suitable size for you? will be left frustrated...

to tell you the truth, i do not have that kind of patience...when i want something, i want to get it straight away because i afraid that if i wait, i might gonna lose them...when i work on something, i wish to see the results on the spot because if i wait. i might achieve the same result or worst, i will not achieve any result at all...meaning to say, i am more of a fast track achiever...i try to have it in my grasp sooner rather than allowing time to manipulate the possible i right or am i wrong to be that way? i think there are always pros and cons in it but we cant tell whether we did the right thing in the first place....i also quite an ambitious man...i would like to taste success in my life...and if can, i really want success to come quick on me...but i have learned that not all success and good results can be achieved in such a short period...sometimes i have to force myself to be patient and wait for it even it feels excruciatingly painful...and i need to learn to let go all the things that in the end are not meant for me cause it is the cycle of win some, you lose some...sometimes patience will give you different kind of good results although it is different from your initial target but unexpectedly giving you the same pleasure...that is how funny destiny works on us...some things are just worth waiting for...

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