Patience Is The Key is hard to be case is not that i am a person with lots of anger management issue...nope and not even little...especially among not like that...but i have a tendency to be impatient with time...i don't really like to wait and let time do the magic for see, time is an uncertain variable...sometimes it swings your way. but sometimes it won't...a lot of people like to use time as an element in making their too! i think everybody does...time is always gonna be there as a decider in decision-making process...but to what extent that you really rely or depend on time in influencing your decision tells you where is the level of your patience...let say you walk in a mall, then you saw a really nice pair of shoes, and you are very particular about buying like it very much and you know that it is hard to find a pair of shoes that you really like...but the only thing is that, the price tag is out of your normal what you gonna do? you spend a little bit extra from your pocket just to get it and then face a really tight financial issues later on (you still can use the plastic card but then you still need to pay) or you want to wait until there is a sale...but here is another catch...when you wait, you dont know when is the mega sale gonna happen, and let say there is a sale finally, do they still have the suitable size for you? will be left frustrated...

to tell you the truth, i do not have that kind of patience...when i want something, i want to get it straight away because i afraid that if i wait, i might gonna lose them...when i work on something, i wish to see the results on the spot because if i wait. i might achieve the same result or worst, i will not achieve any result at all...meaning to say, i am more of a fast track achiever...i try to have it in my grasp sooner rather than allowing time to manipulate the possible i right or am i wrong to be that way? i think there are always pros and cons in it but we cant tell whether we did the right thing in the first place....i also quite an ambitious man...i would like to taste success in my life...and if can, i really want success to come quick on me...but i have learned that not all success and good results can be achieved in such a short period...sometimes i have to force myself to be patient and wait for it even it feels excruciatingly painful...and i need to learn to let go all the things that in the end are not meant for me cause it is the cycle of win some, you lose some...sometimes patience will give you different kind of good results although it is different from your initial target but unexpectedly giving you the same pleasure...that is how funny destiny works on us...some things are just worth waiting for...

They Are Back!!

They are officially back!! My most 'favoritest' band on earth Incubus finally breaks their longest hiatus to produce a brand new album titled 'If Not Now, When?' that will be out in store worldwide 12 July 2011, remember that date peeps!! but oopppss! i already have the leaked album in my collection so I already hear all the songs from the new album. Their first single from the album, ' Adolescents' was aired on 4th April and I personally think that this is a bit different from their previous albums but after i listen to the whole album I was quite in shock as the whole album actually a totally different sound from the Incubus that we all know. This album is packed with soft rock-ballad songs or shall I say 'less aggressive' composition. Well, this is true to their legacy that they will sound different in each of their album and this album is no exception. I think a lot of Incubus' fans are divided into 2 groups which are the 'fundamental Incubus' group and 'evolving Incubus' group. I wish to elaborate more but I think all the fans out there knows what I am describing just now. Well, i don't expect that all Incubus fans will make this album as their favorite and like their new sound but to hell with it, I will try to like this album no matter what happens.hahaha...

Ahh..another thing. Incubus will kick off their new album tour in guess where? KUALA LUMPUR! Yes, you do not see it wrong. This is real so don't laugh this one off. So prepare and practice yourself with all the lyrics for a sing along sessions during the concert. For fans from outside Klang Valley, block this date for the concert and plan for your journey to the KL city and join me and thousands of fans that definitely will not waste this chance. Remember this date and venue. 23 JULY 2011, STADIUM NEGARA. You got that?do not miss it. Before I sign off, this is the lyrics from a song that I thought going to be the second single from their new album.

Promises, Promises

I'm only 23 for another hour, give or take 
I'm a fan of yours and I need a good mistake 
I'm not a sinner or preacher, all I have is slight of hand 
I do magic tricks for all the boys in the band 

Baby could I be the rabbit in your hat? 
I'd swing if you'd hand me, hand me the bat 

I'm on the road of least resistance 
I'd rather give up than give in to this 
So promise me only one thing, would you? 
Just don't ever make me promises 
No promises 

I've never done this before, promises, promises 
But I'm enjoying the illusion and the things my body says 
Now you see me, now you don't, oh how well you disappear 
What are you running from and may I interfere? 

Baby could I be the rabbit in your hat? 
I'd swing if you'd hand me, hand me the bat 

I'm on the road of least resistance 
I'd rather give up than give in to this 
So promise me only one thing, would you? 
Just don't ever make me promises 
No promises 

Parting Ways

if you were to fall off a very high cliff or a tall skyscaper, which way you want to face your death? would you fall face down to the ground and have the privilege of knowing exactly the spot and the time you crash on that very ground so you can rewind all your moments in life in a flash OR would you fall face up to the sky do not wanting to know where will you fall and how much time you have until you crash so that you stop thinking and remembering about the all things that you will leave behind and just enjoy your last of breaths or enjoy whatever seconds remain in your life admiring God's creations? i found that at the brink of death, usually the true colors of a person will emerge, don't you agree? take your time and think about it friends...

Make Or Break

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 to all!! a new year has arrived and personally my favorite number is 11 so i hope that the 11th year of the 21st century will bring me boxes of good surprises...amin! i conclude that 2010 in overall has been a pretty good year for me...i wish to keep the good momentum up but in the same time i need to prepare for a possible turbulent that can come and knocking at my door at any time...i wish for a better 2011 for everyone in terms of success, happiness and going to be 26 years old this year and there are much more that i haven't achieve and if Allah wills it im hoping that i can achieve greater success before i enter my 30s...but for now im just grateful to Allah that He still gives me the chance to roam on His earth and able to meet this new year...some of us are not that fortunate and didn't get the chance to have something to remember in the year 2011...for those who have perished in the year 2010, im praying for your souls to be in peace...

i always think that if today we are in a new year, why it is always feels the same as yeasterday's yesteryear...well.the change is up to ourselves...if we want to do or have something special for 2011, we get up from that lazy 2010 chair and we do it, we go for it...if you think '2010 you' will not be able to do it, then be a '2011 you' and say that this time you can do it...if you don't try, then you will stuck in '2010 you' even the time is already year progress...the point of having all these wishes, resolutions and ambitions is not just for some fun activity to do during new year's eve or during the countdown but to make sure that you yourself are also in transition together with the incoming new year...make a difference...and frankly said, no need for us to wait until every new year to change yourself...everyday can be a new year if you want to...then success will come to you faster...the new year can wait...